Retirement planning is one of the most important financial goals for your future. When done right, you’ll be assured freedom and financial independence for later in life.
When done wrong, you’re facing a future full of stress and worry. To avoid this outcome, consider the following retirement planning mistakes below, and make moves now to avoid them!
Whatever it is, have a plan. Put it in writing. Revisit and Change as needed.
Putting all your money in one place.
Carrying too much debt.
Determining where you will stay?
Overestimating your savings
Not checking your medical coverage.
Forgetting to plan for taxes. Even if you retire in India, you may still need to pay taxes
Thinking your Social Security income is going to be enough. It may be if you decide to retire in India due to the exchange rate but may not be enough in the US.
Not planning for long-term care. Seniors are living longer and longer, plan ahead and look into long term care.